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Selected publications and Presentations

Book Chapters


McTaggart, S. (2014) 'Te Reo Māori and the Tamariki of Te Tai Tokerau in the 21st century:

demography’. Maranga Mai! Te Reo and Marae in Crisis? (Ed. Dr Merata Kawharu) Auckland University Press.


W. Bottero, P.S. Lambert, K. Prandy, S. McTaggart (2009). Occupational Structures: The Stratification Space of Social Interaction. In K. Robson & C. Sanders (Eds.), Quantifying Theory: Pierre Bourdieu, Amsterdam: Springer Netherlands.


Journal Articles


Kawharu M, S McTaggart, P Tapsell, and K Watene (2024). A question of Identity: Young Māori connections to marae. Do they matter? (in peer review)


O’Connor, P. and S. McTaggart (2017). "The collapse of the broad curriculum: The collapse of democracy." Waikato Journal of Education 22(1).


Distinguishing the performance differential of Pasifika students by ethnicity and gender: What disaggregated data tell us about the achievement gap (under peer review)


Cotterell G, von Randow M, McTaggart S (2009). Using Census Data to Examine Changes in Wellbeing for Samoan, Cook Island, Tongan and Niuean Households. Social Policy Journal of New Zealand.


Government and community research reports

McTaggart S, (2024) Island Child Charitable Trust (NZ) Performance Evaluation Report: 2023-2024 Financial Year.

McTaggart S, (2024).‘A question of identity: how connected are Māori youth to ancestral marae, and does it matter? Project: School Resources website: Marsden Grant, Royal Society.

McTaggart S, M Kawharu, P Tapsell and K Watene (2024).‘A question of identity: how connected are Māori youth to ancestral marae, and does it matter? Project: Final report (publication pending).

McTaggart S, (2023) Assessment of Climate change capacities of those who kaupapa to Te Rereatukahia marae, Katikati Final report.

McTaggart S, (2023) Island Child Charitable Trust (NZ) Performance Evaluation Report: 2022-2023 Financial Year.

McTaggart S, H. Tane, M Kawharu (2023) Waitangi/Oromāhoe kainga survey: Final Report.


Walls, A,.Molly Mullen, Stephen McTaggart and Peter O’Connor (2019). Creative Practice for Youth Wellbeing in Aotearoa| New Zealand Mapping the ecosystem in Tāmaki Makaurau| Auckland, School of Critical Studies in Education, Faculty of Education and Social Work, University of Auckland.


Miller, J ; Stephen McTaggart, (2019).The Impact of Rapid Urbanisation on The Governance Of Small and Rural Primary Schools In The Northern Waikato:

Waikato Council Presentation (27/02/2019)


McTaggart, S. (2019). Ngā uri o Te Rarawa: A spatial mapping of Aotearoa: Prepared for Kevin Robinson of Te Rarawa: Mauri Whenua Ora Project.


McTaggart, S. (2018). ‘Kete Aronui of Iwi of Te Tai Tokerau’ website resource. Prepared for the Amokura Consortium-Te Aupōuri, Ngāti Kahu, Ngāti Kurī Ngāpuhi, Ngāpuhi

ki Whaingaroa-Ngāti Kahu ki Whaingaroa, Te Rarawa, Ngāi Takoto, Ngāti Wai, and Ngāti Whātua iwi Tai Tokerau: Mauri Whenua Ora Project.


McTaggart, S. (2014). Demographic trends for Ngāti Whātua Households in the Auckland region 1991-2006. McTaggart Research, Auckland.


Cotterell, G., M. von-Randow and S. McTaggart (2013). Families And Whānau Status Report: Towards Measuring The Wellbeing Of Families And Whānau. Families Commission. Wellington.


Von Randow M, Cotterell G, McTaggart S, Sua'ali'i-Sauni T, Davis P, Patrick D (2009). Pacific Families Now and in the Future: Changing Pacific household composition and wellbeing, 1981–2006. New Zealand Families Commission.


Sua'ali'i-Sauni T, McTaggart S, von Randow M. 2008. Pacific Families Now and in the Future: Changing Pacific household composition and wellbeing; A qualitative snapshot, 2008. New Zealand Families Commission.

McTaggart, S. (2005). Monitoring the Impact of Social Policy, 1980-2005: Report on Significant Policy Events. Wellington, SPEaR.


Conway, K., McTaggart, S., University of Auckland. Alcohol & Public Health Research Unit., & Alcohol Healthwatch. (2002). Evaluation of Alcohol Healthwatch last drink survey programme. Auckland, [N.Z.]: Alcohol & Public Health Research Unit University of Auckland.


Suaalii-Sauni, T. McTaggart, S., Anae, M, Faalau, F. and Macpherson, C. (2000). A Report on the Viability of a Pacific IPA-PCO in New Zealand. Auckland: Pacific Research & Development Services Ltd & Pasifika Medical Association


McTaggart, S and Suaalii-Sauni, T. (2002). Report on Phase One of the Evaluation of the City of Manukau Employment Consortium Mentoring Project. For the City of Manukau Educational Trust.


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