Methods and Methodologies
Research helps us make sense of the world. How we 'know' things and how we 'measure' these things will influence how we do social research. While there are three basic approaches to research-qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods, it has been argued that these approaches are not mutually exclusive, rather they exist on a continuum.
Qualitative research strategies (a non-exhaustive list)
Studies that are conducted to explain social phenomenon
Objective: to build theories that can explain a phenomenon
A way to understand the actions of people in social circumstances
Objective: to provide a many layered description and interpretation of human action
Studies that are a social critique that exposes harmful or alienating social conditions
Objective: help people to change their beliefs and actions
The main steps of qualitative research
Source (Bryman 2008, p 370)
Qualitative approaches to research (a non-exhaustive list)
Narrative research:
Studying one or two individuals, collecting data from their stories, reporting individual experiences, and chronologically ordering the meaning of those experiences (a life history, for example)
Phenomenological research:
The meaning of an experience for a number of individuals, i.e. what all participants have in common as they experience a certain phenomenon
Grounded theory research:
Moving beyond description to generate or discover a theory. The researcher generates a general explanation of a process, action or interaction shaped by the views of a large number of participants (grounded in data from the field)
Ethnographic research:
The researcher describes and interprets the shared and learned patterns of values, behaviours, beliefs, and issues such as power, resistance, and dominance, of a culture-sharing group
Case-study research:
The study of an issue explored in one or more cases, bound by time and place, with detailed, in-depth data collection involving multiple sources of information (observations, interviews, documents, audio-visual material) – cases are selected to illustrate the issue
Discourse analysis:
Focusing on language as a social practice in its own right and looking at how individuals use language in specific contexts. It enables researchers to gain an understanding of how individuals use language to construct themselves and the world around them
Quantitative research values (a non-exhaustive list)
To delineate fine differences between people, organizations, or any other unit of analysis
To provide a consistent device for gauging distinctions
To produce precise estimates of the degree of the relationship between concepts
Explanation: why things are the way they are
Direction of causal influence:relationship between dependent & independent variables
Confidence :in the researcher's causal inferences
Can findings be generalised beyond the confines of the particular context?
Can findings be generalised from sample to population?
How representative are samples?
Minimizing contamination from researcher biases or values
Explicit description of procedures
Control of conditions of study
Ability to replicate in differing contexts
The main steps of quantitative research
Source (Bryman 2008, p 141
Quantitative approaches to research (a non-exhaustive list)
Primary data gathering
Covert and Overt
Unobtrusive measures
Physical measures
Running records
Digital Archives
The internet
Secondary data gathering
Data mining from:
Statistics websites
Development websites
e.g. World Health Organisation
Public Records data
Census web sites
Government statistical archives
e.g. Education Counts (NZ)
Digital data archive sites
Data analysis (a very limited list)
Descriptive analysis (Frequencies/proportions central tendencies)
More complex statistical testing dependent on data type (Nominal, Ordinal, or Categorical) and hypothesis to be tested
Common statistical packages used